Day of Reckoning



Day of Reckoning Film Poster
Day Of Reckoning

is about a man convicted of embezzlement because he’s too soft-hearted to reign-in his free-spending wife. After he goes to prison, his wife begins working for a wealthy businessman. Soon, the wife and businessman fall in love, much to the ire of the businessman’s secretary and former lover. In a jealous rage, the secretary shoots the wife, but the businessman claims responsibility and ends up in the same prison as the soft-hearted husband. The deceased wife’s husband and her lover have a prison show-down.

Day Of Reckoning:
SHE WANTED THE ROMANCE THAT WAS DENIED TO HER! (original herald – all caps)




follows two rival reporters who fight off spies while vying to interview a munitions tycoon. The two rivals eventually fall in love, after they’re implicated, then cleared, of a plot to kill the arms baron. The munitions dealer also falls in love and decides to trade in less lethal products.